Tuesday, November 25, 2008

i'm usually semi-indifferent toward thanksgiving. aside from the nostalgia that it brings in officially starting the holiday season, thanksgiving doesn't really do tons for me. it may be the issue that with my extended family, it's usually an awkward gathering where no one really has much to talk about.

this year i'll be spending the holiday with drew's siblings, and i'm ultra excited. i think it has to do with the fact that this is the first thanksgiving for us that we are in charge of. usually, i just show up and eat. but this time, we're doing all the cooking. there's a real sense of ownership that comes with being the one to dictate the menu and then to execute it (though i will say that we aren't exactly dictating anything- as the holiday itself basically commands the menu). i'm in charge of desserts, and since i can't cook worth a dime i'm pretty pleased with this responsibility. like i said, i can't cook, but i have inherited the uncanny ability to bake that runs within the women in my family.

i just got a nannying job for the new year. i'm so ready for a job where i can invest in the lives of others. i think it will be pretty perfect.

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