Sunday, November 16, 2008

The $20 Weekend

If you want to know anything about me, then you should know that I will stretch every single penny for miles. I'm a sucker for a bargain, and I will never buy consumer goods at full price, unless I have searched the city and internet and found the best deal, though usually I convince myself to just wait until the latest version comes out and the one I want goes on sale.

Anyways, this habit extends into my social life, and sometimes makes it hard to hang out with friends who like to spend a weeks worth of wages on drinks alone. I am so fortunate to have found a mate who has adapted his frugality to meet mine, and I really think this lifestyle works for us.

This weekend in terms of money:
Friday- Drew and I make a collaborative dinner- he's on the main dish and I'm on the side. $0.
-After dinner we hit the local bookstore for some quality pop culture updates. $0.
-Movie rental: Bella. $1 from redbox.
Saturday- Wake early to go to Tiny Canary with my sister- a local indie arts and crafts fair- think etsy but in person. Arrive early enough to be one of the first 100 people in line and get free handmade, organic tote goodie bags which include free samples and gifts from the vendors like handmade cards, necklaces, keychains, sketchbooks, pens, pins, hair pins, coffee coupons, and patches. $0.
-Splurged on some baked goods from everyone's favorite local vegan bakery, Pattycake. $9.
-Use coupon to get coffee to have with delicious baked goods. 65cents.
-Sell a few articles of clothing at a consignment shop in order to have the funds to support these crazy spending habits. Make $25.
- Take our earnings to a coffee shop and splurge again on a smoothie, a beer and the best chai in Columbus. $10.

So, in total we actually ended up making $5 this weekend. I can't say that we usually have weekends full of almost free stuff, but I can say that I usually feel pretty good about life when we do.

1 comment:

saylor days said...

awesome! i'm crazy bargain hunter too, scouring online and calling stores to see who has the better price...but i suffer when i go out with people and enjoy eating out too much,etc.. i'm going to start selling things on ebay and see how that works. i am proud of you for making $5 this weekend! love it.