Thursday, October 18, 2007

ciao bella

Hi everyone! Sorry it's been so long since we've last posted, but this week has been a busy one with a lot of papers and midterms. Not to mention all the preparations for Italy! Just to let you know, as I write this post, Drew is in the kitchen cooking up a storm. It smells so good! He gets his good cooking skills from his mom :)

Last weekend we went to a spa town in the mountains called Karlovy Vary. Many czechs travel to this town not only for its spa services, but for the hot spring that runs through the town. The water from the spring is high in minerals, so it is believed to have healing powers. So people come from all over the Czech Republic with their ailments in hopes to drink the water and be healed. We, fortunately, had no ailments to test the water with, but we did taste it. If you ever make it out to K.V., DON'T DRINK THE WATER just for the heck of it. It tastes like blood. No Joke.

On a more positive note, the town is charming. It is situated along the path of a river and the pastel buildings make it quite colorful. Because the town is in the mountains, it was also a nice day to enjoy the fall weather. We even took some time to play in the leaves. Another cool thing about this trip was that there were only about 12 other students with us. Which meant that we got a much more personal experience with our staff guide, "Z". He took us to his favorite coffee shop (where I found chai for the first time EVER since coming on this trip!!!), his favorite restaurant (where Drew had the best czech meal he's had yet), and to a Russian Orthodox church. I don't think visiting the churches of this country will ever get old.

I can't believe that we leave in the morning for Italy. It has come so soon! Italy has been a dream of mine for years and I am so blessed to be going so early in my life. I predict a lot of history, beauty, food and chaos all packed into one week. When we get home, we will only have 6 more weeks here in Prague. Time has flown by!

So you won't be hearing from us for about a week and a half again. We miss home more every day and constantly talk about certain aspects of life that we're craving, and people that we can't wait to see!

fuori all'Italia!


Anonymous said...

And yet another tremendous trip about to happen! So looking forward to the pictures. Have a wonderful time, soak it all up. Go Tribe!

Anonymous said...

have a blast, buddies!!!

Anonymous said...

I just sent you an e-card :) Have a tremendous time and buy some shoes!!!